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Switching Recurrent Kalman Networks

Published in Machine Learning for Autonomous Driving Workshop @ NeurIPS, 2021


Forecasting driving behavior or other sensor measurements is an essential component of autonomous driving systems. Often real-world multivariate time series data is hard to model because the underlying dynamics are nonlinear and the observations are noisy. In addition, driving data can often be multimodal in distribution, meaning that there are distinct predictions that are likely, but averaging can hurt model performance. To address this, we propose the Switching Recurrent Kalman Network (SRKN) for efficient inference and prediction on nonlinear and multi-modal time-series data. The model switches among several Kalman filters that model different aspects of the dynamics in a factorized latent state. We empirically test the resulting scalable and interpretable deep state-space model on toy data sets and real driving data from taxis in Porto. In all cases, the model can capture the multimodal nature of the dynamics in the data.

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End-to-End Learning of Hybrid Inverse Dynamics Models for Precise and Compliant Impedance Control

Published in Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS), 2022


It is well-known that inverse dynamics models can improve tracking performance in robot control. These models need to precisely capture the robot dynamics, which consist of well-understood components, e.g., rigid body dynamics, and effects that remain challenging to capture, e.g., stick-slip friction and mechanical flexibilities. Such effects exhibit hysteresis and partial observability, rendering them, particularly challenging to model. Hence, hybrid models, which combine a physical prior with data-driven approaches are especially well-suited in this setting. We present a novel hybrid model formulation that enables us to identify fully physically consistent inertial parameters of a rigid body dynamics model which is paired with a recurrent neural network architecture, allowing us to capture unmodeled partially observable effects using the network memory. We compare our approach against state-of-the-art inverse dynamics models on a 7 degree of freedom manipulator. Using data sets obtained through an optimal experiment design approach, we study the accuracy of offline torque prediction and generalization capabilities of joint learning methods. In control experiments on the real system, we evaluate the model as a feed-forward term for impedance control and show the feedback gains can be drastically reduced to achieve a given tracking accuracy.

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Hidden Parameter Recurrent State Space Models For Changing Dynamics Scenarios

Published in International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2022


Recurrent State-space models (RSSMs) are highly expressive models for learning patterns in time series data and system identification. However, these models assume that the dynamics are fixed and unchanging, which is rarely the case in real-world scenarios. Many control applications often exhibit tasks with similar but not identical dynamics which can be modeled as a latent variable. We introduce the Hidden Parameter Recurrent State Space Models (HiP-RSSMs), a framework that parametrizes a family of related dynamical systems with a low-dimensional set of latent factors. We present a simple and effective way of learning and performing inference over this Gaussian graphical model that avoids approximations like variational inference. We show that HiP-RSSMs outperforms RSSMs and competing multi-task models on several challenging robotic benchmarks both on real-world systems and simulations.

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Inferring Versatile Behavior from Demonstrations by Matching Geometric Descriptors

Published in Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL), 2022


Humans intuitively solve tasks in versatile ways, varying their behavior in terms of trajectory-based planning and for individual steps. Thus, they can easily generalize and adapt to new and changing environments. Current Imitation Learning algorithms often only consider unimodal expert demonstrations and act in a state-action-based setting, making it difficult for them to imitate human behavior in case of versatile demonstrations. Instead, we combine a mixture of movement primitives with a distribution matching objective to learn versatile behaviors that match the expert's behavior and versatility. To facilitate generalization to novel task configurations, we do not directly match the agent's and expert's trajectory distributions but rather work with concise geometric descriptors which generalize well to unseen task configurations. We empirically validate our method on various robot tasks using versatile human demonstrations and compare to imitation learning algorithms in a state-action setting as well as a trajectory-based setting. We find that the geometric descriptors greatly help in generalizing to new task configurations and that combining them with our distribution-matching objective is crucial for representing and reproducing versatile behavior.

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On Uncertainty in Deep State Space Models for Model-Based Reinforcement Learning

Published in Transactions on Machine Learning Research (TMLR), 2022


Improved state space models, such as Recurrent State Space Models (RSSMs), are a key factor behind recent advances in model-based reinforcement learning (RL). Yet, despite their empirical success, many of the underlying design choices are not well understood. We show that RSSMs use a suboptimal inference scheme and that models trained using this inference overestimate the aleatoric uncertainty of the ground truth system. We find this overestimation implicitly regularizes RSSMs and allows them to succeed in model-based RL. We postulate that this implicit regularization fulfills the same functionality as explicitly modeling epistemic uncertainty, which is crucial for many other model-based RL approaches. Yet, overestimating aleatoric uncertainty can also impair performance in cases where accurately estimating it matters, e.g., when we have to deal with occlusions, missing observations, or fusing sensor modalities at different frequencies. Moreover, the implicit regularization is a side-effect of the inference scheme and not the result of a rigorous, principled formulation, which renders analyzing or improving RSSMs difficult. Thus, we propose an alternative approach building on well-understood components for modeling aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty, dubbed Variational Recurrent Kalman Network (VRKN). This approach uses Kalman updates for exact smoothing inference in a latent space and Monte Carlo Dropout to model epistemic uncertainty. Due to the Kalman updates, the VRKN can naturally handle missing observations or sensor fusion problems with varying numbers of observations per time step. Our experiments show that using the VRKN instead of the RSSM improves performance in tasks where appropriately capturing aleatoric uncertainty is crucial while matching it in the deterministic standard benchmarks.

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Accurate Bayesian Meta-Learning by Accurate Task Posterior Inference

Published in International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2023


Bayesian meta-learning (BML) enables fitting expressive generative models to small datasets by incorporating inductive priors learned from a set of related tasks. The Neural Process (NP) is a prominent deep neural network-based BML architecture, which has shown remarkable results in recent years. In its standard formulation, the NP encodes epistemic uncertainty in an amortized, factorized, Gaussian variational (VI) approximation to the BML task posterior (TP), using reparametrized gradients. Prior work studies a range of architectural modifications to boost performance, such as attentive computation paths or improved context aggregation schemes, while the influence of the VI scheme remains under-explored. We aim to bridge this gap by introducing GMM-NP, a novel BML model, which builds on recent work that enables highly accurate, full-covariance Gaussian mixture (GMM) TP approximations by combining VI with natural gradients and trust regions. We show that GMM-NP yields tighter evidence lower bounds, which increases the efficiency of marginal likelihood optimization, leading to improved epistemic uncertainty estimation and accuracy. GMM-NP does not require complex architectural modifications, resulting in a powerful, yet conceptually simple BML model, which outperforms the state of the art on a range of challenging experiments, highlighting its applicability to settings where data is scarce.

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Curriculum-Based Imitation of Versatile Skills

Published in International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2023


Learning skills by imitation is a promising concept for the intuitive teaching of robots. A common way to learn such skills is to learn a parametric model by maximizing the likelihood given the demonstrations. Yet, human demonstrations are often multi-modal, i.e., the same task is solved in multiple ways which is a major challenge for most imitation learning methods that are based on such a maximum likelihood (ML) objective. The ML objective forces the model to cover all data, it prevents specialization in the context space and can cause mode-averaging in the behavior space, leading to suboptimal or potentially catastrophic behavior. Here, we alleviate those issues by introducing a curriculum using a weight for each data point, allowing the model to specialize on data it can represent while incentivizing it to cover as much data as possible by an entropy bonus. We extend our algorithm to a Mixture of (linear) Experts (MoE) such that the single components can specialize on local context regions, while the MoE covers all data points. We evaluate our approach in complex simulated and real robot control tasks and show it learns from versatile human demonstrations and significantly outperforms current SOTA methods.

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Information-Theoretic Trust Regions for Stochastic Gradient-Based Optimization

Published in Workshop on Optimization for Machine Learning @ NeurIPS, 2023


Stochastic gradient-based optimization is crucial to optimize neural networks. While popular approaches heuristically adapt the step size and direction by rescaling gradients, a more principled approach to improve optimizers requires second-order information. Such methods precondition the gradient using the objective's Hessian. Yet, computing the Hessian is usually expensive and effectively using second-order information in the stochastic gradient setting is non-trivial. We propose using Information-Theoretic Trust Region Optimization (arTuRO) for improved updates with uncertain second-order information. By modeling the network parameters as a Gaussian distribution and using a Kullback-Leibler divergence-based trust region, our approach takes bounded steps accounting for the objective's curvature and uncertainty in the parameters. Before each update, it solves the trust region problem for an optimal step size, resulting in a more stable and faster optimization process. We approximate the diagonal elements of the Hessian from stochastic gradients using a simple recursive least squares approach, constructing a model of the expected Hessian over time using only first-order information. We show that arTuRO combines the fast convergence of adaptive moment-based optimization with the generalization capabilities of SGD.

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Beyond Deep Ensembles: A Large-Scale Evaluation of Bayesian Deep Learning under Distribution Shift

Published in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2023


Bayesian deep learning (BDL) is a promising approach to achieve well-calibrated predictions on distribution-shifted data. Nevertheless, there exists no large-scale survey that evaluates recent SOTA methods on diverse, realistic, and challenging benchmark tasks in a systematic manner. To provide a clear picture of the current state of BDL research, we evaluate modern BDL algorithms on real-world datasets from the WILDS collection containing challenging classification and regression tasks, with a focus on generalization capability and calibration under distribution shift. We compare the algorithms on a wide range of large, convolutional and transformer-based neural network architectures. In particular, we investigate a signed version of the expected calibration error that reveals whether the methods are over- or underconfident, providing further insight into the behavior of the methods. Further, we provide the first systematic evaluation of BDL for fine-tuning large pre-trained models, where training from scratch is prohibitively expensive. Finally, given the recent success of Deep Ensembles, we extend popular single-mode posterior approximations to multiple modes by the use of ensembles. While we find that ensembling single-mode approximations generally improves the generalization capability and calibration of the models by a significant margin, we also identify a failure mode of ensembles when finetuning large transformer-based language models. In this setting, variational inference based approaches such as last-layer Bayes By Backprop outperform other methods in terms of accuracy by a large margin, while modern approximate inference algorithms such as SWAG achieve the best calibration.

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Combining Reconstruction and Contrastive Methods for Multimodal Representations in RL

Published in Reinforcment Learning Conference (RLC), 2024


Learning self-supervised representations using reconstruction or contrastive losses improves performance and sample complexity of image-based and multimodal reinforcement learning (RL). Here, different self-supervised loss functions have distinct advantages and limitations depending on the information density of the underlying sensor modality. Reconstruction provides strong learning signals but is susceptible to distractions and spurious information. While contrastive approaches can ignore those, they may fail to capture all relevant details and can lead to representation collapse. For multimodal RL, this suggests that different modalities should be treated differently based on the amount of distractions in the signal. We propose Contrastive Reconstructive Aggregated representation Learning (CoRAL), a unified framework enabling us to choose the most appropriate self-supervised loss for each sensor modality and allowing the representation to better focus on relevant aspects. We evaluate CoRAL's benefits on a wide range of tasks with images containing distractions or occlusions, a new locomotion suite, and a challenging manipulation suite with visually realistic distractions. Our results show that learning a multimodal representation by combining contrastive and reconstruction-based losses can significantly improve performance and solve tasks that are out of reach for more naive representation learning approaches and other recent baselines.

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Iterative Sizing Field Prediction for Adaptive Mesh Generation From Expert Demonstrations

Published in AI for Science Workshop @ ICML, 2024


Many engineering systems require accurate simulations of complex physical systems. Yet, analytical solutions are only available for simple problems, necessitating numerical approximations such as the Finite Element Method (FEM). The cost and accuracy of the FEM scale with the resolution of the underlying computational mesh. To balance computational speed and accuracy meshes with adaptive resolution are used, allocating more resources to critical parts of the geometry. Currently, practitioners often resort to hand-crafted meshes, which require extensive expert knowledge and are thus costly to obtain. Our approach, Adaptive Meshing By Expert Reconstruction (AMBER), views mesh generation as an imitation learning problem. AMBER combines a graph neural network with an online data acquisition scheme to predict the projected sizing field of an expert mesh on a given intermediate mesh, creating a more accurate subsequent mesh. This iterative process ensures efficient and accurate imitation of expert mesh resolutions on arbitrary new geometries during inference. We experimentally validate AMBER on heuristic 2D meshes and 3D meshes provided by a human expert, closely matching the provided demonstrations and outperforming a single-step CNN baseline.

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KalMamba: Towards Efficient Probabilistic State Space Models for RL under Uncertainty

Published in Aligning Reinforcement Learning Experimentalists and Theorists Workshop @ ICML; Next Generation of Sequence Modeling Architectures Workshop @ ICML; Training Agents with Foundation Models @ RLC, 2024


Probabilistic State Space Models (SSMs) are essential for Reinforcement Learning (RL) from high-dimensional, partial information as they provide concise representations for control. Yet, they lack the computational efficiency of their recent deterministic counterparts such as S4 or Mamba. We propose KalMamba, an efficient architecture to learn representations for RL that combines the strengths of probabilistic SSMs with the scalability of deterministic SSMs. KalMamba leverages Mamba to learn the dynamics parameters of a linear Gaussian SSM in a latent space. Inference in this latent space amounts to standard Kalman filtering and smoothing. We realize these operations using parallel associative scanning, similar to Mamba, to obtain a principled, highly efficient, and scalable probabilistic SSM. Our experiments show that KalMamba competes with state-of-the-art SSM approaches in RL while significantly improving computational efficiency, especially on longer interaction sequences.

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MuTT: A Multimodal Trajectory Transformer for Robot Skills

Published in International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS, 2024


High-level robot skills represent an increasingly popular paradigm in robot programming. However, configuring the skills' parameters for a specific task remains a manual and time-consuming endeavor. Existing approaches for learning or optimizing these parameters often require numerous real-world executions or do not work in dynamic environments. To address these challenges, we propose \ac{mutt}, a novel encoder-decoder transformer architecture designed to predict environment-aware execution of robot skills by integrating vision, trajectory, and robot skill parameters. Notably, we pioneer the fusion of vision and trajectory, introducing a novel trajectory projection. Furthermore, we illustrate \ac{mutt}'s efficacy as a predictor when combined with a model-based robot skill optimizer. This approach facilitates the optimization of robot skill parameters for the current environment, without the need for real-world executions during optimization. Designed for compatibility with any representation of robot skills, \ac{mutt} demonstrates its versatility across three comprehensive experiments, showcasing superior performance across two different skill representations.

